Friday, September 26, 2008


There we go, solid proof.

Watch it on the tube for higher res, yes you.

Kate Bush - Hounds of Love


Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea


Boris - Feedbacker

Your demise. The final hours of your existence. From the eerie movements in the air when you awake, to the subtle infinite as your cold, dead body drops only to miss the ground and cascade down in spirals forever.


Van Morrison - Astral Weeks

Still a bit indifferent to this album. I put it on with the intention of paying full attention and slowly I find myself wandering away. In a way I like that, but I'd also like to command full attention towards the album. Despite my inability to focus on the music I always find myself with a desire to put it on at least once a month. The albums harbors such a free atmosphere. The instruments cascade in and ripple out, each adding their certain nuances to the overall "jam". Definitely a good album, just one I have a hard time pigeonholing in any type of required listening or if your interested category.


Take that lock from your door. In this world it isn't necessary anymore.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fractals and shit

So yeah, APPARENTLY, aamaiv is the coolest person on the planet, we should uhh..... worship him.

Stay tuned for more testaments to aamaiv's godliness.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Red House Painters - Down Colorful Hill

Good slow vibe. Wonderful lyrics; almost too real. Tiny glands of large amphibians.


To say that you know can only mean that you don't know. Knowing is knowing you don't know.